Friday, January 20, 2012

We Must All Learn to Live by the Tune of Our Own Drum

I have two sons and the youngest came in with his own drum and has been playing it ever since. He is content, creative and happy. The older, I don't believe has ever heard it and seems lost and depressed. I have heard my own from time to time and finally discovered it in my 40's and then it was taken away from me unexpectedly through circumstances. I have no idea what to replace it with and it causes me a sense of profound grief. However, I am grateful I did have the opportunity to experience it however fleeting. Most people never do. I choose to replace the word Drum with Passion.
I have asked all my friends over the years what their Passion is and few can answer it. Some don't even understand what I mean. That IMO is tragic. There is a Drum within each of us but we put up so many barriers so it won't be recognized even if it should appear. Fear, lack of self-esteem etc. put up blocks. The bottom line is EGO and fear of failure.

~ Tutte ~